Friday, September 23, 2011

5 Things Friday- Things that are Taking Up My Time

Things that are Taking Up My Time

1. My online psych class- currently working on going through a 108 slide powerpoint to take a 10 point quiz... really?!?

2. Meeting with lots of lovely ladies- young and old!

3. My tumblr. (Well, not really, I just wanted you to click!)

4. Design. duh. It's my major.

5. Preparing for a new season of Wounded Heart

Thursday, September 8, 2011

5 Things Friday- Things that I love about my room

Things that I love about my room

1. Roomie and new lion pillow pet!

2. Reading corner with comfy chair and all the books I could want


4. Comfy cave bed

5. Animal cracker bear... always filled to overflowing


*sorry for the low quality pictures... taken in our room at night with the lovely mood lighting- not the greatest for picture-taking!

Friday, September 2, 2011

5 Things Friday- Things that are Overwhelming Me

Things that are Overwhelming Me

1. Meeting and connecting with all my new residents

2. All the activities, meetings, and plans that I have swirling around in my brain

3. The fact that classes start in 3 days, and I'm not even sure that I'm enrolled in the best classes for me

4. My still-full closet

5. The fact that in spite of all of this, God has me, loves me, and is taking care of every detail.