Friday, October 7, 2011


Sorry I've been absent in the world of Wordpress lately! You see, I may have found a new love, called .... Tumblr. I know, I know... how many stinking blogs do I have, right?! But I just keep finding ones I like. Now don't get me wrong, Wordpress has been so good to me. I love the fun templates, the ease in which I can add new posts and track my site traffic. And I certainly love the official "website" feel that it gives my blog. BUT, have you ever checked out Tumblr? It's just so cool. The only thing easier about posting on Tumblr is breathing. Or sleeping. Oh gosh, is the Wordpress police gonna come arrest me? I feel like such a traitor!

But that's not the point of this post! Because I do want to apologize for being gone, and let you all know how cool Tumblr is, but at the same time, I obviously haven't shut down shop here either. Because here is where I can share more big life stuff. Here is where I get to rant and rave and have uber long posts that probably noone reads all the way through. Because the truth of the matter is that no matter how cool Tumblr is, it's just not really the place for those uber long posts. At least not for me. It's more of a "slap up a photo, throw up a quote, scrawl a quick thought or two" kinda blog.

So, now that I've got you curious, why don't you go check it out? :)