These last couple days have been a blur! (But a good one at that!) Friday I spent some quality bonding time shopping with my soon-to-be new brother! Then Danielle, Johnny, and I headed to the airport for a tearful yet happy reunion with the rents. And the last three days have been filled with shopping (found a dress for the rehearsal dinner), errands, food, wedding planning, movies, and conversations! It's been great to finally get to see, touch, and talk to mom and dad face to face!
I have started doing an in depth look at Romans, which seeing as I'm only on chapter one, has been really good. I also started reading "Set-Apart Femininity" by Leslie Ludy.... and the same thing is true with that! So I'm sure you will probably hear more about those later!
Alright, well I'm going to get off the computer and go spend some more quality time with the fam!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Last Day Plans
Well, it's weird to say, but I only have 4 more days of summer here at UWEC this year. So how am I going to spend them, you ask? Tonight my good friend Jenny from TeenServe is going to be in Eau Claire! So I think I will be spending some time with her, them tomorrow we are going to breakfast at 8am. I normally work at 9, but I'll just go in late. I'm so excited to see her! Then Wednesday I will probably be watching my summer show- So you think you can dance. Sooooo good! :) Thursday night my friend Becca is visiting Eau Claire and staying over in my room. Then Friday Danielle and I are headed to the cities! Woo! Sometime this week Danielle and I are planning on going tanning once before the wedding. And I am slowly working on organizing/purging my room somewhat so it will be easier to move over to Murray when I get back in August!
Reading goal for the week is to finish Forgotten God by Francis Chan. Should be more than doable since I only have a chapter left. It's been a pretty good read about the Holy Spirit.
Cleaning goal is to vaccuum, do all my dishes before I leave, clean out my fridge, and obviously pack for Friday.
Money goal is to put 90% of my paycheck (get paid Friday) into savings and give accordingly.
Ahhh, and now my week is so much clearer!
Reading goal for the week is to finish Forgotten God by Francis Chan. Should be more than doable since I only have a chapter left. It's been a pretty good read about the Holy Spirit.
Cleaning goal is to vaccuum, do all my dishes before I leave, clean out my fridge, and obviously pack for Friday.
Money goal is to put 90% of my paycheck (get paid Friday) into savings and give accordingly.
Ahhh, and now my week is so much clearer!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Millionaire Wishes
So if I ever become a millionaire, you will find these pieces in my house. By Josef Frank. (See google TODAY) Apparently, the fabric itself runs at about $200/yard. Yikes!

Monday, July 12, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Flashback Friday
Today I was looking through some old files on my computer, and I stumbled on this poem. It's a poem by Walt Whitman that we were assigned to put our own childhood memories into my junior year. And ohhhh man how it brings it all back when I read it. I can smell, taste, and see everything so clearly, and I can honestly say "thank you!" to my teacher who assigned this project!
There Was a Child Went Forth By Walt Whitman, adapted by Heather Block
There was a child went forth every day;
And the first object she look'd upon, that object she became;
And that object became part of her for the day, or a certain part of
the day, or for many years, or stretching cycles of years.
The blooming peonies became part of this child,
And grass, and damp fallen leaves, and white spongy mushrooms, and the red breast of the robin,
And the crawling ants, and the barking dogs, and the lightning bugs, and the loud cicadas,
And the cheers and yells of the playground, or the weedy ally by the house,
And the raised manhole that lived there--and the twisted growing vines,
And the knee-length brush--all became part of her.
The magnificent tree house of summer became part of her;
An old knarly tree, and fresh-smelling wood, and the squeaky metal hinge of the trapdoor,
And the snowball bushes cover'd with green buds, and the big white puffs afterwards,
and wrought-iron fences, and the gravel on the side of the road;
And the cute old couple next door, weeding their garden, until the wife died and only the husband left,
And the boys and girls on their way to public school,
And the short-haired girl with her golden retriever,
And the family riding their bikes--and the family walking their dog,
And all the joys of a small neighborhood, wherever we went.
Her own parents,
He that had fathered her, and she that had held her in her abdomen, and birthed her,
They gave this child more of themselves than that;
They gave her afterward every day--they became part of her.
The mother at home, teaching her children and keeping her house;
The mother with loving words—read a bedtime story, pray and give a kiss,
her dark red lipstick leaving a mark;
The father, fun, expectant, protective, loving, silly, just;
The hug, the three words, the guiding, the constant involvement,
The dank basement, the French doors, the chandelier, the orange chair--the fireplace with the old tan hearth,
Affection that was never-ending—hugs and kisses and always an encouraging word
And the first object she look'd upon, that object she became;
And that object became part of her for the day, or a certain part of
the day, or for many years, or stretching cycles of years.
The blooming peonies became part of this child,
And grass, and damp fallen leaves, and white spongy mushrooms, and the red breast of the robin,
And the crawling ants, and the barking dogs, and the lightning bugs, and the loud cicadas,
And the cheers and yells of the playground, or the weedy ally by the house,
And the raised manhole that lived there--and the twisted growing vines,
And the knee-length brush--all became part of her.
The magnificent tree house of summer became part of her;
An old knarly tree, and fresh-smelling wood, and the squeaky metal hinge of the trapdoor,
And the snowball bushes cover'd with green buds, and the big white puffs afterwards,
and wrought-iron fences, and the gravel on the side of the road;
And the cute old couple next door, weeding their garden, until the wife died and only the husband left,
And the boys and girls on their way to public school,
And the short-haired girl with her golden retriever,
And the family riding their bikes--and the family walking their dog,
And all the joys of a small neighborhood, wherever we went.
Her own parents,
He that had fathered her, and she that had held her in her abdomen, and birthed her,
They gave this child more of themselves than that;
They gave her afterward every day--they became part of her.
The mother at home, teaching her children and keeping her house;
The mother with loving words—read a bedtime story, pray and give a kiss,
her dark red lipstick leaving a mark;
The father, fun, expectant, protective, loving, silly, just;
The hug, the three words, the guiding, the constant involvement,
The dank basement, the French doors, the chandelier, the orange chair--the fireplace with the old tan hearth,
Affection that was never-ending—hugs and kisses and always an encouraging word
The prancing of day-time and the doubts of night-time--the curious where and how,
Where I will go when I die, how will I die, what to do?
Where I will go when I die, how will I die, what to do?
How to ride a bike, how to tie shoes, how to do everything that grown-ups do everyday?
The streets themselves, and the big green yards, and school across the street,
the playground with the rolling slide and prickly burrs,
the house with the wooden animals- moose and rabbits, and raccoons, and mostly
the bears, the papa bear and the baby bear- all life-like, eyes blank, staring
The streets themselves, and the big green yards, and school across the street,
the playground with the rolling slide and prickly burrs,
the house with the wooden animals- moose and rabbits, and raccoons, and mostly
the bears, the papa bear and the baby bear- all life-like, eyes blank, staring
The water park near by, rushing with life during summer, sleeping soundly during winter
The warm, sticky nights, sleeping in a musty tent, lightning bugs blinking all around
The cold, bright days, filled with snowball fights and forts
The cold, bright days, filled with snowball fights and forts
And hot chocolate and more snowball fights
The small world, the patio and swing set, the fragrance of wet earth and sweet flowers;
These became part of that child who went forth every day, and who now goes, and will always go forth every day.
The small world, the patio and swing set, the fragrance of wet earth and sweet flowers;
These became part of that child who went forth every day, and who now goes, and will always go forth every day.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Welcoming Family
A fourth of July update has been requested per nana. So here it is!
Sunday morning one of my best friends, Andra, and I went to church. We went to a place I had only visited once before and I really liked it... thinking I'm gonna have to check it out more! So we had to leave a little early in order to go back to the dorms and get my stuff, then we headed out to her aunt and uncle's house which is about a half an hour away. They live on a lake, so the original plan was to be out on the water all day skiing and tubing, but it poured all day! So we just spent all day inside playing games (Farkle and Sequence), eating, chatting with the adults, and playing with the kids. It was super fun to just be able to be with a family that was so welcoming. And the food was delicious!!! Lots of different salads and desserts to enjoy! And of course corn on the cob. We then shot off some fireworks at night because the town they live in did their fireworks show on the 3rd. So all in all it was a great fourth of July!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
PLEASE pray!
This morning I received a text from my good friend Jenny from TeenServe. A little bit of background information- TeenServe was the organization I worked for last summer. They go around the midwest and set up camps that youthgroups from all over attend for a week. They are split up into groups and help fix up people's homes duing the day and attend an evening program at night. And Jenny is an awesome woman of God who worked with me last year and is working there now as well.
So I got this text- Please pray. We had a boy at camp who attempted suicide tonight.
Bahhh! So I don't know any details, but I think just that much is enough to get me down on my knees! I can't imagine what he was going through and what lies he was believing to get to that point amidst hundreds of christians loving and serving others.
But it's so important we pray for all of TeenServe. Last week when I went to visit them I learned that they were under a lot of spiritual battles. Several on the team had been having demonic dreams, a couple of the rooms in the school were having spirit activity, and a woman that was helping lead up a team of 50 kids suddenly got a tumor in her uterus (she had emergency surgery and is fine now). Obviously the devil is up to something because he knows that God is up to something bigger!
So TeenServe is finishing up this week of kids tomorrow, then will be heading to Butler, Indiana and setting up for the workcampers all next week. The kids will be there July 11-17. So please keep all of them in your prayers. Thank you!
So I got this text- Please pray. We had a boy at camp who attempted suicide tonight.
Bahhh! So I don't know any details, but I think just that much is enough to get me down on my knees! I can't imagine what he was going through and what lies he was believing to get to that point amidst hundreds of christians loving and serving others.
But it's so important we pray for all of TeenServe. Last week when I went to visit them I learned that they were under a lot of spiritual battles. Several on the team had been having demonic dreams, a couple of the rooms in the school were having spirit activity, and a woman that was helping lead up a team of 50 kids suddenly got a tumor in her uterus (she had emergency surgery and is fine now). Obviously the devil is up to something because he knows that God is up to something bigger!
So TeenServe is finishing up this week of kids tomorrow, then will be heading to Butler, Indiana and setting up for the workcampers all next week. The kids will be there July 11-17. So please keep all of them in your prayers. Thank you!
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