SO. MUCH. CHANGE. You may be asking- "Heather, why are you doing this to us???" Although you don't yet know what I'm doing to you, here it is...
This blog is moving. Again. I have made my final decision to move all my blogging to The Things That Make Us Tick, formerly a blog that my teammate KC and I blogged at for Navigators related things, but now a blog dedicated not only to Navs stuff, but also my ramblings that normally happen here, as well as a bunch of new guest blogging! I'm super excited to get started with the new direction of this blog! I have transferred over a bunch of my old posts from this blog to the new one... so you'll find old stuff and new stuff!
So, you can take this puppy off your favs, and just follow The Things That Make Us Tick. It will be much easier for all of us. Let's be real... I never knew which one to blog on and you probably never knew which one to read. Three cheers for simplicity!