Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Today we had a SNOW DAY!!! WOOO! Which basically NEVER happens in university. Soooo i spent it the way any other normal college student would- watching pirates of the caribbean 2 and mass amounts of Lost episodes. ohhhh yeahhh! and i vacuumed and cleaned out the fridge- both of which were desperately needed!

Another great thing about today... I found out I get to room with my friend Becky for next semester! So that was exciting news. I started packing today and will be moving over to Murray in a week... next Thursday.

And to end the exciting day, I think I'll be heading to bed a little earlier than usual, like in the next half an hour. *GASP!* I know! But hey! A little extra sleep never hurt anyone!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a fun Snow Day!! We're scooped out here.... Papa and I even went shopping for a couple hours and had dinner together at the Outback Steak House. We spent the evening by the wood stove soaking up the heat....Ooooh, nice when the temperature is 0* !! Love, Nana
