Monday, February 21, 2011


This is Grace.
God used Grace to change the lives of many Navigator women this weekend at our Women's Conference in none other than Rochester, MN. Through her sincere words, tender hands, and gentle truth, Grace was literally a vessel for Jesus. When Grace spoke, it was really Jesus speaking through her, to each and every one of us.

It was Jesus telling us that we are his one and only. 
It was Jesus telling us that we are altogether lovely in his sight.
It was Jesus telling us that it doesn't matter how much we sin, or how we sin, he just wants US.
It was Jesus telling us that we make his heart race, that every thought of us makes him swoon.
It was Jesus telling us how he loves.

As Grace looked into our eyes, it was Jesus looking into our eyes. As Grace cupped a girl's face, wiping away her tears, it was Jesus wiping away the tears. As Grace cried with us, it was Jesus crying with us.

Grace showed me Jesus like I have never before seen Him. And I will never see Him in the same way again. Thank you God, for sending us your GRACE.

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