Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Face in the Water

I've been thinking about this verse lately. How often do we really see people's hearts? Not often. Because we don't live out of our hearts. Because then, like this verse says, people would see the REAL us. And we don't want people to see the real us. Because the real us is messy and really good at sinning and not really good at loving. At least on our own strength.

But you wanna know a little secret? A lot of times, even if we are trying to hide our hearts and what's inside of them, our actions and words give us away anyways. So why do we try to hide? Not only does it put us in bondage since by hiding we are choosing to not live out of our hearts and who we really are, but rather out of a lie. But it also doesn't usually work very well and people end up seeing into our hearts anyway and seeing all that mess. So instead of hiding our hearts, why don't we, as Pastor Doug puts it, "face the truth of our situation?" Why don't we see our hearts for what they are and then ask God to shine his spotlight on the whole big mess and start an overhaul on us.

Search me, O God, and know my heart!
Try me and know my thoughts!
And see if there be any grievous way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting!

-- Psalm 139:23-24

Lord, search me. KNOW my heart and remove the sin. I want to be able to live in freedom, from my heart, without fear of what people will see. Because they should be able to see You. Like a face reflected in the water, I want my heart to reflect you, Lord.

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