Friday, July 29, 2011

In Him

It's bedtime. But I can't seem to drag myself into bed quite yet. Because it has only been a few hours since I stumbled upon this beautiful verse.
For in Him we live and move and have our being.

Acts 17:28a

What could be more simple, straightforward, heart-moving as that? I just can't get over it. God has wrecked me with these simple 11 words. I know I have heard them before- most likely countless times. But this time I paid attention. This time, I heard the question behind the words- "Are you living, moving, and being in ME? Are you recklessly abandoned and completely reliant on ME alone?" As tears streak down my face and I realize that everything I have and do and am is in Him, I pray that there will be less of me and more of Him. That those words would always be on my lips- "less of me, more of YOU." 


  1. I love that verse! Thanks for sharing it. You will also love John 3:30 where John the Baptist said, "He must increase, but I must decrease!"

  2. Fred...
    Holy Spirit thank you for opening up our hearts to receive this...receive YOU in this You make Jesus' Presence & Power a present reality.
