But unfortunately (or more likely, fortunately, since God knows better than me) that's not the way it works. Because God asks us to trust Him. And sometimes God asks us to take a chance, or "take a leap of faith." I really hate using cliché terms. But I think this one is so overused because it actually makes sense.
Last week at church Pastor Grant talked about how often God takes us to the scary edge, in order to heal the fear inside of us. By going to the scary edge with God, we are forced to rely on Him and to trust Him. And then, in ordinary God-fashion, he provides, he protects, he preserves. And that fear that we had is healed. Or maybe just lessened. After all, we are humans, and sometimes it takes more than just one time for us to learn something. :)
So even though I would love for God to tell me every single step of my life, even though I would love for Him to reveal all His plans, sometimes I just have to leap. Sometimes I have to go into something, not knowing the outcome, or not even knowing if it's exactly what God wants of me, because I do know that God wants me to trust Him. And as long as I'm trusting Him and am really desiring and aiming to obey him, He will, in ordinary God-fashion provide, protect, and preserve. And maybe, just maybe, some of that fear inside of me will be healed.
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